Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010


We had an appt. today, it was simply an OB check, no ultrasound. Well, a quick little ultrasound...that is how they check the heart rates for the babies at our clinic. So, we did get a peek at them and the little buggers are both breech/transverse, ie. NOT HEAD DOWN! Jillian has her head tucked behind is that possible?! Although, let me tell you...mind you Im not trying to complain~just stating a fact here, I am NOT surprised that their 2 little heads are together because from time to time they like to stick them up in my RIB CAGE and well, you can imagine what that feels like! Maybe you can't imagine...pretty much feels like my rib is gonna break, is THAT possible? Thankfully, it ISN'T a constant thing, so it's managable! Anyways, appt today just reiterated that this pregnancy is completely "status quo", boring, no news which is good news, right? Along with the obvious which is watching the babes progression and developement, one of the concerns with this pregnancy is Pre-eclampsia. To be real honest I can't even tell you EXACTLY what it is right now, (it's late and I'm tired ;))BUT, what I can say is that it isn't effects the pregnant womans kidneys , potentially shutting them down. Right out of the gate we knew that I would be at a higher risk for Pre-eclampsia for 3 reasons 1.)my age (whatever!!!) 2.)twin pregnancy 3.)not my DNA....the only cure for this is delivery SO, it is something that is on our "radar" (obviously). The reason I tell you this is because when I have a good blood pressure reading it is our reassurance that we are steering clear of this and today I "turned in" my best blood pressure reading yet! That was pretty exciting!
We will go back to doc in 2wks and at that time we will have an in depth ultrasound (those are always fun!), and we will also start our WEEKLY non-stress tests and bio physical profilings. I've never experienced either one of those so that'll be something new.
Quick prayer request...please pray that one of the babies turns head down (for obvious reasons), listen...I knew signing up for this that a c-sec was VERY much a possibility and if that's the way it turns out Im sure it'll be just fine. BUT, several things would change if we were able to have a natural delivery. SO, please pray for that? Thanks!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pumping, pumping and more pumping!

I thought I would share an update on how I'm doing with inducing lactation. I think, its going pretty well! I am now in the pumping phase of the protocol so I'm pumping every 2 to 3 hours during the day and so far, I'm pumping 12 ounces per day. I know that doesn't sound like much but when I first started, I was pumping about 1 ounce in 24 hours so its really increasing! My goal is 20 to 30 ounces per day(I would like to be able to meet half of their needs) which is very achievable! Its been a huge commitment but to see all the milk I have stored in the freezer has really helped me to see that it has all been worth it. For all of you who have thought how cool for her....she will have these babies and didn't need to gain any weight. Nope.........I have put on 25lbs thanks to the meds from this protocol. I must admit and Jill can back me as she was the one who heard it all.....I was pretty shell shocked about the weight gain. It didn't matter what I ate, I just kept gaining. And let me add......we all know because of what Jill is doing for me that she is a good friend but she also let me complain to HER about MY weight gain!!! She was VERY supportive and just kept telling me it would be well worth it in the end. And she was very right. Not only will the nutritional benefit be great for the babies but also the bonding that comes with breast feeding.I think it is so amazing that I'm able to do this with out giving birth. It gives me a physical connection to Justin and Jillian that I'm really looking forward to. I cant wait! And I wont have to wait very long either.....30 weeks has come and will soon be gone! Before I know it they will be in my arms!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

PreBirth Order Update...

It's a good day today!
I recieved a phone call from Denise telling me that she heard from the attorney handling the Pre-Birth Order....ya know, the one we desperately needed signed by the judge?!
And, YES! It has been signed!!! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! I dont think I, personally, have been THIS happy since we recieved a postitive pregnancy test. I could cry right now as tears well up...I know it's tough to understand if you're not in the middle of this, but this was HUGE! Jeff & Denise's experience when these babies are born is going to be as close to normal as possible (given the uniquness of this) now that this order is signed. They will recieve the parents wrist bands, they will recieve a room of their own at the hospital, the hospital staff will address them regarding the children, they will get to be present during the birth~ that may seem obvious but it was NOT a given because delivery will happen in the Operating Room, you can't just have "friends" accompany you into the O.R.. All of those things (and many more), may seem like rights that they should, like any other parent, recieve. But, no, being that this is a surrogate pregnancy/delivery, even though they ARE the parents, they would NOT have recieved those rights had the Pre-Birth Order not been signed. My heart is SO incredibly happy for Jeff & Denise today, what a victory! Thank you Lord!

Pre Birth Order

Just a quick post to share that our pre birth order was signed this week! That means that these two little beans are now not just genetically but legally Seykora's! This is great news as it is a big pain in the you know what to do it after the babies are born. Also, it gives Jeff and I all rights over the babies in the hospital and also we are treated no different then if I had delivered. We get our own room and everything! Yay!!!!!!! Happy day! Thanks for all your prayers!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Single digits!!

That's right........we only have 9weeks left!! Single digits are here in weeks left to go! I cant believe how fast this is going! We had a doctor appointment last week and everything looked really good! We will go back next week and then we start our weekly appointments! Its our first appointment, there was snow on the ground!!!! As excited as I am for the babies to come, its a bit sad to me that its going so fast!

This past Sunday my family threw me the most beautiful baby shower. My sister in law Jodi did not miss a thing! She absolutely out did herself! We had such a nice day and the food was sooo yummy! We had some good laughs trying to explain surrogacy to my mother in law's aunt who just could not wrap her mind around how it happens. She thought that I was carrying one of the babies and Jill the other! Bless her heart it was just to confusing! I guess when your 80 something it was just a little to much modern medicine for her. Anyway, I must say that I'm a blessed woman! These two babies got more gifts than I could have ever imagined! And all of my friends were just so wonderful with embracing what Jill has done for us. I couldn't have asked for a better day!

Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm not really sure what has provoked these feelings inside of me but, regardless, they are there and I thought I would share them. Can you imagine literally giving your children to someone for about 9months? Can you imagine, handing them over & taking that leap of faith that someone else will do as good of a job at taking care of them as you would??? There isn't much difference between me giving a couple of my children to one of my friends and what Denise and Jeff have done...given Justin & Jillian to me to "take care of them" for 9 months. The overwhelming feeling has hit me, the feeling of immense gratification that Denise and Jeff trust me THAT much. They trust that I will take my vitamins and supplements, they trust that I will eat and drink the appropriate things, they trust that I will take the appropriate meds when needed, they trust that I will rest my body for a little bit everyday~so as to have enough energy to sustain through the end of the pregnancy, they trust that I will keep my activities at healthy/safe level, they trust, they trust, they trust...
I'm not sure if anyone has had that much faith in me before. Yes, of course my husband trusts me with all those things with our own children. But, Denise and Jeff didn't have to...they chose to. And Denise, well...ya know how some people just REALLY like to have control of situations....yeah, that's my girl! This is SO out of her element, she is so far outside of her box during this whole journey! And she's been a champ, she's handled it all with such amazing grace...if you didn't know the "controlling Denise", you wouldn't know that she even existed! Im proud of you Denise!
Anyways, this pregnancy has been such a breeze & uneventful (medically speaking), I just pray now that we've officially begun the 3rd trimester and are on the "down slope" that everything continues on smoothly. I pray we can finish out this last 10wks with incredible joy & peace! I trust that God is fully in control of this and that our last 10wks will be just as enjoyable as the first 28!
In case, you didn't catch this...10wks left! At the very most, 10 wks left!!! WHAT?!?! Its crazy!